Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Doctor's Appointment Scheduled

Ok, the new year (2010) is here and I have yet to full emerge myself into Healthy Shane 2010. Like I believe I said previously, I would like to first visit with a doctor to discuss this idea of becoming healthier and laying out a plan for this year. So I have a doctor's appointment set for this Thursday, Jan. 7. This will be my first visit to a doctor (not eye or teeth) in about three years I believe. I know I probably should go annually, but it felt like the last few times I went they cared nothing really about my general overall health. OK, actually, the last time I went to the doctor it was because of an ulcer -- I had a bacteria in my stomach that created ulcers that led to stomach bleeding. I went to the doctor, they sent me in for an endoscope -- stuck a tube with a camera down my throat -- and found the ulcers. They then got me on a prescription to kill the bacteria supposedly creating the ulcer, and a few weeks later I went back for a follow-up and I seemed better so they sent me on my way. Nothing else. I had gone in for a checkup a year or so before that, and once again nothing too exciting. Before that I had been to the emergency room and a doctor for a follow-up when I had kidney stones -- I didn't have insurance at that time, so it was expensive. Now I have insurance, so I guess maybe I should use it and try to put myself on a healthier track. I would like to discuss with the doctor options for getting healthier and losing weight. I hope to find out what my current weight is and what I should try to achieve as far as my weight loss. I weighed myself over Christmas at my Mimi's house, she has one of those doctor looking scales, and I weighed around 225 lbs. Wow, yes it took me a bit by surprise I thought maybe around 215 or so but to be all the way up to 225 ... I really am obese. Well, let's see what the doctor says. I'm working on a list of questions to take with to the doctor's office, and hopefully I will be able to discuss these with my health professional and hopefully, they will allow me to come back and see how I progress as I work on becoming healthier this year. So that's where I'm at right now. Peace and Love!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Plan

OK, I'm going to try and lay it all out here. The idea behind this blog is to help track my weight loss in the coming year. A couple of weeks are left in 2009, and I probably should start with my goals now. However, I'm going to procrastinate a few more weeks. The plan is to get started next year. I guess it could be called a New Year's resolution.

I am resolved to take on a healthier lifestyle in the year 2010 in order to lose about 50 pounds. Also I also have set another goal of running at least one half marathon. Actually, I would like to do at least two, with a stated goal of doing the second one in less than 2 hours, but I do not want to set my sights too high with the idea that I could too easily fail.

Here the situation: I have become a tub of goo. I do not know what my current body weight is, but I would easily put it over 200, probably around 215 to 220 pounds, which is just way to heavy. I want to look and feel better; losing weight will help lead me to this goal. I have ideas of how I am going to go about losing the weight. I plan to eat healthier and to do more exercise.

I hate to say that I'm going on a diet, because I am always on a diet. Your diet is what you eat, and currently my diet is not extremely healthy, so what I want to say is that I am going to try to eat healthier. I have ideas about how I can improve my diet, and it will take a lot of willpower to follow through and to eat healthier. But I believe that if I put my mind to it, and I tell myself over and over that I have to follow through with eating healthier than I can do it. I will do it. Willpower=mind over matter.

I know that I currently eat too much. Yes, I eat many unhealthy foods, but one of my biggest faults is that I overconsume. So one of my first goals is to eat less in order to eat healthier. I also would like change some of my food choices, but I think first and foremost I have to eat less.

I plan to keep this blog as a journal to keep track of my goals. As a way to motivate myself to keep on track. I would like to keep a food journal on here so that I am able to eat healthier and track what it is that I am eating. I also would like to post a photo of myself on here before I actually start this diet, so that we can all see the tub of goo that I have become, and hopefully as I follow this diet we can post additional photos of me, so we can see how my body changes.

It would be great if I could get some people to follow my progress and give me words of encouragement as I follow through with this, but I guess I will have to wait and see if that happens. So that's the plan in a nutshell. I'll be back!