Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Doctor's Appointment Scheduled

Ok, the new year (2010) is here and I have yet to full emerge myself into Healthy Shane 2010. Like I believe I said previously, I would like to first visit with a doctor to discuss this idea of becoming healthier and laying out a plan for this year. So I have a doctor's appointment set for this Thursday, Jan. 7. This will be my first visit to a doctor (not eye or teeth) in about three years I believe. I know I probably should go annually, but it felt like the last few times I went they cared nothing really about my general overall health. OK, actually, the last time I went to the doctor it was because of an ulcer -- I had a bacteria in my stomach that created ulcers that led to stomach bleeding. I went to the doctor, they sent me in for an endoscope -- stuck a tube with a camera down my throat -- and found the ulcers. They then got me on a prescription to kill the bacteria supposedly creating the ulcer, and a few weeks later I went back for a follow-up and I seemed better so they sent me on my way. Nothing else. I had gone in for a checkup a year or so before that, and once again nothing too exciting. Before that I had been to the emergency room and a doctor for a follow-up when I had kidney stones -- I didn't have insurance at that time, so it was expensive. Now I have insurance, so I guess maybe I should use it and try to put myself on a healthier track. I would like to discuss with the doctor options for getting healthier and losing weight. I hope to find out what my current weight is and what I should try to achieve as far as my weight loss. I weighed myself over Christmas at my Mimi's house, she has one of those doctor looking scales, and I weighed around 225 lbs. Wow, yes it took me a bit by surprise I thought maybe around 215 or so but to be all the way up to 225 ... I really am obese. Well, let's see what the doctor says. I'm working on a list of questions to take with to the doctor's office, and hopefully I will be able to discuss these with my health professional and hopefully, they will allow me to come back and see how I progress as I work on becoming healthier this year. So that's where I'm at right now. Peace and Love!

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